Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Presentation

During the Students' Orientation, I decided to do it step by step. First we gave the students their diagnostic test. From 3pm to 3:25, we gave all of them at least 2 diagnostic test. After that, some managed to do the Number Board.

Right after the test, I gave them a short briefing. I wanted to give them a brief idea of why they were sent there. Because the age group were from 4 to 13 yrs, I could not talk the way I would to bigger children. I had to make sure the little ones (age 4) would understand it too. However, I could not please everyone. 3 of the students do not understand English. So i had to promise them that I'd tell them what I was saying in their next class.

After that, we had a short tour. Funny how they waved to their mother when we passed the waiting room. Somehow, they looked kinda happy to walk the 1650 sq ft centre. What did they see? The toilets, the mini liabrary, the Pre Kindy Room, the waiting room, the folders' lane and..... that's it.

Everyone had to do their classwork for the day after all that. They all looked quite pleased before they left....well of course...they were eating "cloud 9" chocolate.

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