Friday, October 15, 2010

That's it!!!

I'm tired now to even think about the running of my centre. I have had it enough. I have been suffering for years, and I thought by getting an investor, things would be easier. Things only got better during the first few months. I've been just paying and not making anymore.

I am doing what I'm doing out of passion, but how can one take it if at the end of the day, all one feels is pain. The pain of trying to keep things in order at the same time going in circles and cannot make ends meet.

I dropped the bomb to the head office early this week. I don't know how much my manager has spread the news.

Today one of my staff demanded a meeting with me tomorrow morning. If she needs to discuss about her pay rise....what is there to discuss? Even I'm not getting my salary and  have not been getting!

It is frustrating.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Syawal oh Syawal

Today is the last day of Syawal in the Muslim calendar. For me, the month of Syawal is a month to rekindle all the old friendship and also find new ones. It's also a month we see so much food and people gets so lavish in decorating their homes. I know this year was a happy one for me. Although I skipped so many open houses due to my reflux problem.

Today and tomorrow I will still have a big gathering for food, drinks and be merry!!!!