Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Accident happens!

This week has been one busy week. Quite a lot has happened.

I reported about the twins who have turned over new leaf. Last Tuesday, an accident happened in the centre involving one of them. My greatest fear!!!! After finishing their 10 pages in less than 10 mins, they were very hapy and did other activities with ease. When it's time to close the centre, they were still around. Because of the heavy rain and fasting month, their driver got caught up in a traffic jam. They both decided to show me how they had to dance for their concert. Knowing that they're very comfortable with me, I let them dance around. Somehow, the taller twin wanted to show more than she was asked to do at the concert and decided to show her skill in limbo dance (not sure what it's called!) She decided to use our banquet table that we use for checking in as the pole. In the process, I was doing my work, and she was cheered by her twin sis, she lost balance and pulled the table down with her. Her fingers got caught but she quickly pulled them out.

I nearly fainted when I saw her swollen fingers. She cried in pain. I really didn't know what to do.

My staff, Mrs admin helped me out and it sort of calmed taller twin. I hugged her while waiting for her driver to arrive.

Later I found out from her mom nothing was broken but the swelling on her fingers were quite bad.

I must brush up on my first aid now. I was a cadet in St. John's Ambulance many years ago, but emotions seeing her in pain was too much!!

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