Saturday, February 10, 2007

English Teacher Dilemma

There she goes English teacher.

This is truly a funny case. I hired her on the 22nd of January, that same afternoon, she told me that she should start in February because she has to settle a few things. She just stopped working and didn't have the time to do the things before she started. Before she left, she signed the Offer Letter, to confirm her acceptance for the job.

On the 2nd of February, she came to work. Everything seems alright.....but....yesterday, she knocked on the door of my pre kindy room when I was teaching and told me she's got a terrible headache. Somehow from the way she said that..she looked like she wanted to tell me much more than her headache. I asked around if she made any remarks about her headache. No body knows.

Anyway, this afternoon, during lunch, she sent a text message to my assistant asking what's the best time to call me. From there, I knew she wanted to stop.

She called and started telling me how much she can't stand the heat in the classroom. She claims that where she's seated, it's just too hot and because of that, she has to stop.

Sometimes I wonder if all employers go through what I have to go through. At times I feel like I'm acting like a sister to all. When one's maid ran away, I have to make way for her to work part time instead of full time. When one's mom had to go for Haj for 40 days, I have to grant her one month unpaid leave, when one was called for an interview, I have to start preparing for a replacement, when one had to shift house due to financial difficulties, I had to act like a loan shark!!! giving her enough to start a new life. In the middle of the loan payment, she had the cheek to ask me to release her, so that she can work for another centre.

In my next life.....I only want to be an employee. Giving the same kind of problem to my employer....ooops!

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