Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I'm now at the centre and in the middle of what I would call, a ransacked centre. Everything is everywhere. That's because we're in the middle of our renovation. I hope this is the last one!!!

I have been here from this morning and now, it's almost dark outside. They have to finish it today because everyone wants to go back to their hometown for Chinese New Year celebration. What a way to celebrate.....newly renovated centre!

On Monday and Tuesday, we were busy telling all the students not to come to the centre on Thursday and Friday because we'll still be rearranging our furniture.

Sonya Raj suddenly asked me "Are you going to renovate your toilet????" We're in an old building where we have cracks on the tiles in the toilet and we do have some water stains (that needs to be removed). When I told her we're not, she suggested that I should. Coming from a 7 year old.....I'm considering on doing it on my own.... Ms Handywoman.....that's me!!!

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