Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Learning from my Autism cases

Autism is quite a common case and I only got to learn about it when I started the centre. My first case was Yong Da. I had to learn a lot from his mom. He only lasted till Level B but his mom became too ambitious and pressured, not only him but me to get him to start on fraction. I had to surrender.

My sencond case was Michael. He's still around and now learning Algebra!!!! He's 14 and bigger and taller than me now. So, when he doesn't know anything, he'd shout and not able to control his voice. He isn't aware that his voice is loud!!! However, Michael loves to read, and when he has to wait for his mom, he'd read aloud in my English area. I have a habit of introducing Michael to other students, and get them to listen to his story telling.

Other than the two, I had Amar who came all the way from Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. He'd take about one and a half hour to reach my centre. It's a long journey. At times, he'd reach the centre not being in a good mood. At times, he'd jump around and starts to shout. He was 12 and was about my height. He had slight dyslexic case as well.

Viwen a.k.a Mr Hindustani is my highest achiever. He was diagnosed with autism and also is an ADHD child. He never fails to make me laugh with his antics, but recently, I was secretly mad at him. I could not handle his questions. He wanted me to put him on the next level when to me he's not ready. I was with a parent and he kept coming back with his questions. I just had to take a deep breath.

I learn so much from them. Hoping to learn more and more.

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