Sunday, April 23, 2006

One of those things!

Last night i had a chance to go to The Curve with my mom. It was nice. The night market had so much to offer. In the middle of all that, there was TGIF and I spotted two of my students there, dining with their family. I didn't want to disturb them but somehow, big sis saw me and we waved at each other. Little sister always had something to say when she was in the centre. Once she said "Teacher, do you have "gigi palsu"? (false teeth!!!) hmmmm, I don't actually, but the thought that she asked such thing made me chuckle.

The same little sister once was picked up by her uncle and the minute she saw him, she had to announce "Oh! here's my uncle...he's very rich you know!!!!!" Can you imagine how dear uncle must have felt????

She was never short of funny remarks...once seeing my brother in his national costume...she asked him..."Are you wearing that for baca doa?" (Reading verses from the Quran). It has been our tradition at the centre actually that every Friday, we wear our national costume. But being the only male staff at the centre, what he wore was a bit outstanding.

By the way....dear little sister one day gossiped about her parents....but it wouldn't be nice to say it here.

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