Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Happy Teachers' Day!!!

How can I stop writing when writing eases my tension from stressing out day in and day out??? I find solace in writing. Even though it's nothing to do with the way I'm feeling at the moment. It gives me so much joy to just share.

Yesterday was Teacher's Day. I thought it was last month....that's when I started the block. I didn't hope to get anything, but i did. Little Labenese Girl came to me with a conch shell and 6 packets of nougat. I later shared the Nougat with my staff. The "cool handsome" brothers gave me a porcelain picture frame...a shape of a sun, with colourful motives around it, and the New Boy in Town.....he gave me a card thanking us for all our effort in making him comfortable whenever he's there.

My staff, Mrs. Admin, Ms. Environment, Ms. Bollywood, Mrs. Mommy, Ms Italianno and Abang (big brother), make such a good team. Happy Teacher's Day to all!!!!

Sometimes, children do feel a little bit shy to talk to adults, especially their teachers. Little Expatriate came yesterday and her mom made her say what she had to say to me herself. She looked so awkward and I could hear her voice trembling. So I gave a friendly approach, asking her what I can do for her. It was of her not being able to find one of her homework.

How do you approach a child when she's never met you??? In my 8 years, I've met almost 2000 children around the neighbourhood. I still see them once in a while even though they're no longer my students, I would still wave to them....sometimes I get a wave back, sometimes I get funny looks. Looks that say "Who the .... ..." and sometimes, they just ignore.

For this year's teacher's day, I should have a resolution. Let me think of one.

ok ok ... I already have one. I would like to see more children start to read with me. I'm going to delegate more mathematics responsibility to my staff, and I'm going to concentrate in English. I want to share with the children the joy of reading! I'm going to introduce more books to them and would even make time to read books to the little one. I must brush up my story telling skill.

I love all my 200 over children at the centre!!! Including....Mr know all, Mr snutter, Ms chatterbox and Ms I don't care about my future......


Pais パイス said...

Forgot to wish it a bit earlier..Happy Belated Teachers Day!

Minimalista Wannabe said...

thank you faris.....did u wish your teacher???? I once asked pak ngah to buy a bottle of shampoo for me so that i could give it to my teacher for teacher's day. I can still was the black sunsilk.and he bought a big bottle for me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you a tropical breeze to warm the still coolish Northern latitudes!

Minimalista Wannabe said...

well..thanks anonymous. never knew this blog would interest a stranger. keep reading... i may go out of the topic but it's for sharing.

Serendipity said...

Reading to kids is a favorite of mine. I missed it when they couldn't read for themselves yet but they've memorized the book...they complain if I miss a line!

Minimalista Wannabe said...

I love reading to the students here. I used to do it to my nieces but they're so big now so my service is not needed anymore...and they'd rather read their kinds of book. but still have a baby....u can read to your wee baby!!! cool huh???

Monie said...

Kak En. Your blog makes me giggle and smile from deep within. I think you have the coolest job ever. Esp enjoyed the nicknames you have for your students! Cute gila!

Minimalista Wannabe said...

thanks for dropping by..i enjoy reading your blog too. it keeps me updated too.
as for the nicknames...I just hope their moms would never get to read this..he he he
coolest job???......yes and no. explanation when we meet next time.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.