Saturday, May 13, 2006

mind your language

Learning a language is never easy. Coming from a non English speaking background, I know what it's like. As a Malaysian, we're lucky to be exposed to English Language in our daily life. TV, Radio, people around us....books are easy to get too.

As a child, I seriously started to become aware of the importance of speaking English at the age of 7. That's when I started my primary school years. I mixed around quite well and had Malay, Chinese and Indian friends. We started to speak broken English and were so proud of it. I can even remember an incident where I told my Dear Aunty to excuse my bahasa because I was used to speaking English.....ha ha ha...funny huh?? PERASAN!!!!

Nowadays, when marking the students' English papers, sometimes it brings back the memories of my struggle with the language. Some of the answers given can only make you laugh. I'll make notes in the future so that I can share it here.

Now that I can understand English quite well.....I take it for granted that students should also know it. What may be simple to me, may not be to them. In order to understand their difficulties again, I started a new foreign language. Why don't you try it understand what it's like to learn a new language....or if you're adventurous enough...take up music!!!

tonight....I'm just blabbering


Yam Plant (: said...

Ende your blogs are very nice! U can really write! U really should be a writer!
Now im gonna continue reading ur blogs!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Ende ur blog is super A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!! I love it!I could not even manage to write a blog as cool as u.Keep up da good work!
Marissa xoxo