Wednesday, May 10, 2006

a writer???

From this blog, two ppl actually told me I should try to be a writer. Hmmmmmm. Children's book? How about something like anpanman????? Like Pais said....apam man. Not bad huh??? I can include my everyday life in the apam man's adventure!!!

i remembered a story from a good friend, one day she asked her student with LD (Learning Disability) of his ambition. Having LD, he had speech problem as well. Mr Smarty pants answered her seriously. He proudly said "I want to be a pirate". Good friend smiled and corrected Mr smarty pants... "you mean a pilot?????" While closing one eye with one of his hand....he repeated what he said earlier...."I want to be a PIRATE!!!!!"..... Was he influnced by a movie??? perhaps!!!!

Teaching students with LD is never easy, but to be able to see their progress no matter how small.....means so much to an educator.

I was thinking earlier....we have a saying in Bahasa Malaysia, "guru adalah seperti lilin..." (teachers are like a candle...) I could never imagine how that feels. Now i do. It is painful at times, but it brings happiness because it brightens someone else's world. ah well.....something like that!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Yam Plant (: said...

ende soooooo nice ur blog! It's true, u should be a writer!