Friday, July 28, 2006

What is it like??

I'm not quite sure what it's like to be proud of my own child, but I sure know what it's like to be a proud teacher. One time, one mommy came to the centre telling me that she's not very happy about her only son's achievements. I told her if she can't find anything that she can be proud of academically, she should try to look at his achievements in other areas. In the end she told me that her son is a football player for his school team. I told her how difficult it is to be in the school's team. I remember how I worked hard every Saturday morning, playing under the hot sun (which I didn't mind!) and practice, practice and practice. So in the end she smiled. Seeing that, I told her, never mind Mrs. "I'm not so happy with my son's achievement!" I am already proud of your son.

Last wednesday, I had breakfast with my good friend. She's also an instructor. She just made a trip to England to witness her son's graduation. Obviously, the topic for the day revolves around her trip. She told me in detail about the graduation, how after the presentation, all the students were asked to turn and face the audience. They were asked to clap and cheer to show how thankful and happy they are for those attending and supporting that day. Without us realizing, we both had tears in our eyes. I know why she had hers....what about me???

Talking about tears in the eyes, I once was invited to a student's concert. She was in a play called "Three Blind Mice" and the minute I saw her walking up the stage, I had the same reaction.

Please tell me I'm normal!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's normal have tears , you never know what will cause them, I have had tears come to my eyes by reading a verse by Octavio Paz, or hearing a celtic tune. A man is not supposed to cry? thats bull. General Schwartkopf once said that he trusts no man who doens't cry. We live our days each battling our demons, and we are only human. Then somethig will remind us of the beauty, the miracle of living, and its not in any special place. It's all right there in fron of us, a child, a moment with a friend. When you saw that little girl perhaps you saw some hope in this world that can seem full of despair and lonliness. Seeing or hearing of a nice thing, such as your friend's son graduateing, can give us a nice feeling, cleanse us (literally) of the grime we pick up along the way. It's when we stop crying that we know we are in trouble, myende! So, let us cry, laugh, and live hard.

Serendipity said...

of course you're normal.

Tears is a natural reaction to extreme emotions.

I do that. I am very proud of my kids. When they had their piano recital, I was teary-eyed. I can't believe I gave birth to these extra-ordinary individuals.

Minimalista Wannabe said...

i cry at many occasions. the latest... seeing and be part of instructors and staff from everywhere (malaysia,thai,singapore,indonesia,australia,japan,philipine,hong kong, qatar, sri lanka, new zealand, america, UK, ....) joined hand in hand singing our theme song about give,give and give. i'll get the lyrics and paste it here.