Friday, August 18, 2006

This is me...

In running a centre, a person must always be ready for difficult situation. That person must also enjoy the time when something fun is happening.

Once in a while that person must also know how to have fun.

Can a person who feels that an instructor is successful only when he or she has a lot of students? A lot of students will enable an instructor to learn more about human behaviour. And when an instructor has learned a lot about human behaviour, that's when he or she can be a good judgement on what is best for his or her student.

Anyway, in the last 8 years, I think I have come across more than 2,000 students. Maybe more, maybe less. Students come and go. They make their choice. They have their preference. We have always opened our doors if they decide to come in.

Many times, I ask myself , what sort of centre do I want mine to be. I keep telling myself, there can never be two centres alike. And there can never be two instructors alike. In my early days, I always feel like I have to be like another instructor. Thankfully I've changed. Let other instructors do what and how they feel is best. Mine is the best in my eyes! and the most important thing is, how it makes me proud to say, I'm the owner of "this" centre.

By the way, how about green and yellow for my wall???????

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