Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dumping Babies and Irresponsible Dumb Adults.

I don't usually write about the general issues that appear in the newspaper, but it's been bothering me lately. Everyday, I read about dead babies found at the dump sites or at the river. How can people do such act.

Was discussing about this issue with my mom tonight. As an old timer, she has set her mind to condemn the couples. Not only  for dumping their babies, but also for getting themselves pregnant. My argument here is, if they were accepted by their family and public for the wrongdoings they have done, they would not be forced to do such thing.

Sex education is still taboo in my country. Many groups try to promote it. Many school children are aware of it and are exposed to it in some ways. However, people of my generation or older were not exposed to "sex education" therefore, it's not that easy for us to openly accept that children need to be exposed to it.

What is in "sex education"?  It's about safe sex and getting help  when they're in trouble.

I will not go too deep into this as I feel sick thinking of a little lifeless body lying or dying by the roadside. The only positive thought I can think of is, I know for a fact, these babies will go straight to heaven.

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