Thursday, July 04, 2013

So much for retirement.....

This month was suppose to be the first month of my retirement from running a centre after 15 years. Right now, i am sitting in a witness chamber at the high court. Nothing to do with any case or issues i am facing. I am here to seek help from a lawyer to defend myself and my successor. My 2 full time staff are not happy with the take over and created too many issues out of non issues stuff.

It goes to show how you should always fend for yourself and your family before you fend for anyone else. For years, i have been running at a lost. I struggled, i cried, i begged, i lost most if my self esteem just to make sure ends meet at the centre. Mainly to make sure they get their salary on time. When the take over finally took place, all the money obtained were used to settle all the bad debt from EPF, salary and royalty. Nothing left for me. I shall work harder after this jusf to build upagain, i promised myself. 

I want all these to settle soonest possible..... Amin.

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