Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Inhale Inhale....Exhale!

Last week, we had a week long break. I did nothing at the centre at all, except on Friday I swung by just to check my mail. Today, I felt a bit loss. Funny how I can adjust easily to being the lady of leisure.

November is going to be a busy month. Free Trial Campaign, Advance Student Honour Roll Presentation, fellow Instructor's birthday, 4 Parents Orientation Presentation, meetings with existing parents, Royalty Payment, Salary payment, bills to pay, Hari Raya dinners to attend over the weekend.... oh yeah, and I have to breath, bath, breakfast, be bad and be good!!!!! All happening in the month of November!!!!!

I'm already exhausted!

Latest on Preschool Class : bought one student's table from IKEA = RM155.
bought picture frames to motivate students with pictures & details
about students who have completed the program. I have 2!!!
RM15 each.
bought boxes to organize the area around "me" = RM12 for 2

I did well on budgeting this time....I think!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Together forever

This afternoon I had a chance to visit a centre located not very far from mine. She started 4 yrs after I opened my centre. We didn't start on a good ground with each other I have to admit. I was told by parents that she tried to get my students to go to her and also has put big banners in my area.

4 yrs in operation, has made her realized that we have to do this together. Educating children.

I'm glad now we're able to talk on a common ground and discuss about students who have transferred from her centre to mine and mine to hers.

Monday, October 16, 2006

you're my boss VS i'm the boss

I just want to lay down the differences of being one's employee and being an employer. I have been in both worlds. I need to know by end of this if I'd rather be an employee or an employer.

The beauty of being an employee

1) By every end of each month, the fix income promised by the boss should be in my account.
2) When I don't feel that good, I can always call in to say I can't make it for the day, and
everything will be alright.
3) If I'm fed up with workload or the boss or anyone for that matter, I can always send in my sesignation.
4) When it's my lunch time or time to go home, I will drop everything I do and head home.
5) I can set up a monthly budget easily because of the fix income.
6) I only do extra work when my boss tells me to. If not, I don't have to.
7) I don't have to crack my head to find ways and solution to bring in more business.
8) I don't have to take responsibility when something goes wrong at the centre. I just do what I have to do.
9) I don't have to think about how to make the centre look presentable or nice. I will move things around if my boss tells me to.
10) If the company doesn't have enough money to pay my monthly salary....I'll just look for a better job.

The brag-able points of being an employer.

1) I get to delegate work to the staff and end up not having to do anything.
2) When it's half way through the month, and when the staff's salary are depleting, I would get to go to the bank and cash out money for myself.
3) I don't have to come to work on time and not feel guilty when i'm late.
4) I get to walk around doing nothing while the others are and just think about how to make the centre look nicer or more inviting.
5) I get presents from the students when it's Teacher's Day, New Year, Hari Raya (Eid Mubarak)...even during Christmas.
6) I get to take the credits when the students are doing well in school.
7) I get to take the credits if visitors feel this is a nice centre.
8) I don't get to hear staff problem as much as Mrs Admin because I'm the Boss. Therefore, i don't have to worry so much for them.
9) I have been around long enough for people to come back and look for me. It's a nice feeling.
10) I get to write letters to parents and students whether it's friendly or official. Meetings can be fun at times.

Decision : I'm ok with both!!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

"Ok! Boss!!!"

For the last few days, my mind was occupied with things around the centre. How to make the place look more organized and also the pre school area. I just want to get the best way to deliver the great method to the little ones. I guess this is how parents feel when they have growing up children. They only want the best for them. My responsibility is bigger...I want the best for over 170 something students.

Yesterday the "taller twin" came in smiling. Phew! Her fingers were still a bit swollen, but she's happy enough to come to the centre. I spoke to her mom twice and I tld her how worried I was over the few days. I'm glad she's better.

Today, Little boy Hisdustani was telling me to do something. I was talking to another student. Seeing that I was busy, he waited beside me and as soon as I was free, he told me to do this and that for him. A few things I thought was a bit much, but I didn't want to let him down. So I said "Ok! Boss!!! " He laughed hearing that. In the end he said...."No Teacher...you're the Boss! not me!
Being on a tight budget, I have to carefully plan for the new classroom. Last night, I thought about using whatever materials I can get from the house. I remembered I have two pieces of Persian Carpet not used... I'm going to update the blog with pictures from the new classroom so that we can see the changes. Those pictures on the partition was drawings given to me by the students from 5 years ago. "Born again" 15 year old even noticed I still have his painting from 5 years ago. He was pleased that I still keep it.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Choir Girls!

In November, a group of us will be singing for the students who will be getting their medals. Today, we had a practice. Looking at the group, we're still not organized and a group would still sing faster than the rest and today, we decided to sing a new song, replacing Whitney Houston's Greatest Love of All. The song chosen was by Diana Ross....another song to memorize. I'm really bad in that sort of thing lately.

My Pre school area is still not looking like it's ready for a class yet. I'm working on it!!!

Despite of the classroom isn't looking like a classroom yet, we have firmed up a few things for the class flow. All my staff will be involved and we're excited about it.

Accident happens!

This week has been one busy week. Quite a lot has happened.

I reported about the twins who have turned over new leaf. Last Tuesday, an accident happened in the centre involving one of them. My greatest fear!!!! After finishing their 10 pages in less than 10 mins, they were very hapy and did other activities with ease. When it's time to close the centre, they were still around. Because of the heavy rain and fasting month, their driver got caught up in a traffic jam. They both decided to show me how they had to dance for their concert. Knowing that they're very comfortable with me, I let them dance around. Somehow, the taller twin wanted to show more than she was asked to do at the concert and decided to show her skill in limbo dance (not sure what it's called!) She decided to use our banquet table that we use for checking in as the pole. In the process, I was doing my work, and she was cheered by her twin sis, she lost balance and pulled the table down with her. Her fingers got caught but she quickly pulled them out.

I nearly fainted when I saw her swollen fingers. She cried in pain. I really didn't know what to do.

My staff, Mrs admin helped me out and it sort of calmed taller twin. I hugged her while waiting for her driver to arrive.

Later I found out from her mom nothing was broken but the swelling on her fingers were quite bad.

I must brush up on my first aid now. I was a cadet in St. John's Ambulance many years ago, but emotions seeing her in pain was too much!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Love is in the air!

Friday!!! During this fasting month, we work on Saturdays. So, Friday does not really feel like Friday anymore. However, we get to go back earlier than usual.

As usual Friday is a busy day.

Yesterday, Teenage "Fat Albert" Boy came smiling. He's been asking about another student lately. A sweet, pretty teenage girl who goes to the same school. Usually I don't encourage this sort of thing in my centre. However in my mind, I know it's part of growing up. None of us encourage anything, but we noticed that the boy has started to work harder than usual. That's what I call a healthy challenge.

I'm so happy that today, my twins decided they'll try to complete 10 pages till level B. That's a very impressive decision.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Is birthday a big deal?

We have a section at the wall where we will put up names of students and centre staff if they're celebrating their birthday that month.

My dearest brother LOVES to do that sort of thing. He'd spend days to come up with concept and artwork. The month of September was a sunflower month. He wrote all the names of the students on the leaves and the big sunflower has a name of one of our assistant. Isnt' that so sweet.

Till today, the October names aren't up yet!!!

I'm upset because..... well.... tomorrow is my birthday. It's not a big deal but how can he not put all the names for October yet???? I forgave him for not telling everyone about my birthday last year...because he forgot all about it. It ended up no one knew about it till 2 days after.

This year, I think he's trying to avoid it again.

Gone were the days when birthdays would be a much waited event. Now it's all for the children at the centre.

Koreans are coming our way!

Today, we have another inquiry from a Korean lady. A walk in. If she signs up after our preview on Tuesday next week, I'll have 4 now, in a matter of 2 weeks. In my "almost" 8 yrs of teaching, I never have a Korean student. Now, they've arrived!!!!!

We have more tables in the learning area now. Both math and English students are in the same room and not facing each other. I like this new concept.

I'm cracking my head and will be burning a hole in my pocket soon with my pre schoolers area. I've always wanted to have one, and this time, by hook or by crook, I'll have one.

To date, our student enrolment numbers are 183. It's just so difficult to reach 200.

I remember many years ago when our student count was at between 25 - 30. At that time, to reach 30 was just so difficult. Now, I'm feeling the same pain...or should I say trauma????

Monday, October 02, 2006

A change!

I had a new haircut today. For months I've been wearing long hair, today, it's short. A few of my students made comments.

Little Yokohama....who has always been pass remarkable to me about my hair decided she likes the long hair better. She even pointed it out that my hair "should" be long and straight and black like how it used to be, and not curly and long - like last year or short - like now.

Anyway, the twins said they like it. Lanky twin sister even looked and stopped from doing her worksheets for awhile just to check it out, and decided it's nice.